Wow! This past month it seems like I've been on the art/crafting circuit.
First Cassandra's gorgeous Marie event. Second, onto beautiful sunny CA to attend Kim's fabulous Moulin event, and last a small intimate crafting weekend at Karla's Cottage
Karla wanted to host a small intimate get together of a few friends for a long weekend. Several of these gals I haven't seen in ages. So it was a real treat to be able to spend quality time with them all.
We had no major agenda other than crafting and relaxing. A low fuss weekend which was perfect!
I was excited to finally see Karla's home. For years I have been reading her blog and seeing dozens and dozens of photos of her home and her craft studio. It was surreal to finally be standing inside her home and taking it all in for the first time. Her home is beautiful!!!
The Craft Studio
Three letters....

Omigosh I felt like I was walking in a vintage antique and treasures store. Pretties were everywhere!!!
Karla even has a little coffee, water, snacks set up inside a vintage armoire.
So pretty!
All of us were buzzing and taking photos when we arrived. So much to take in.
I was literally speechless!
Miss Heather
Miss Suzanne
Andrea sitting pretty.
Karla had our whole weekend planned out.
Friday we headed downtown Kansas City for antique shopping at Bottoms Up and several boutiquey antique shops.
Before we headed out early morning we had a little tiny problem with the van.
After we all piled in the van ready to go and eager to shop
Karla cranked the van only to discover it was DEAD!
The battery was completely dead!
Thanks goodness her sweet son Ryan came to the rescue to help us out. We batted our eyes, smiled sweetly, and thanked him for helping us. :)
This photo of Karla holding the jumper cables cracks me up!
Clueless! (hee! hee!)
Once the car was jumped we were on the road!
The shops were located in a grungy warehouse looking district.
Made for some fun shots!

Pretty ladies Suzanne and Andrea
We had a ball shopping. I think everyone of us found some special deals.
I love the look on Andrea's face! So happy!
Lori and Heather

I scored several vintage bunnies on the trip! Whoo-hoo!
After a fun day of shopping we spent the late afternoon/evening visiting our sweet friend Carol Spinski.
We were all thrilled to have the opportunity to see her labor of love.
Her restored farmhouse.
Carol's home is graced in the pages of the newest book
Romantic Prairie Style.
Her house is stunning!
I love this arrangement.
Her guest bedroom in soothing shades of white and lavender.
Her studio space was amazing!
Adorable shot of buds.
Carol was open arms and the most gracious hostess.
She had her dining room table set beautifully!
We had pizza and wine for dinner. YUM!!
We each received a packet of sunflower seeds.
Carol even served the yummiest dessert.
Strawberry shortcake parfaits.
We made another toast!
After dinner we headed outside to her quaint backyard and huddled up close in front of her new outdoor fireplace.
It was the perfect evening for a fire. There was a slight chill in the air.
It was the perfect evening spent with great friends.
Saturday we spent all day in Karla's studio crafting and making new projects.
I couldn't resist snapping photos of Heather's and Andrea's pretty supply stash.
We spent the afternoon working and taking mini breaks to enjoy the beautiful day.
It was fun to have Beth join us for the day!
Karla taught us all how to make these beautiful dress forms.
Everyone of them turned out so pretty and unique from one another.
This is my Southern Belle

Even big girls play with Barbie. ;)
Karla and I also worked on paper mache mushrooms for my upcoming event.
It's amazing how fabulous Karla's mushroom turned out. Especially having never made one before.
The weekend flew by fast. Too fast!
I enjoyed every waking moment spent with the girls and I can't thank Karla enough for opening up her home to us and being the perfect hostess.
Her home and studio truly is a fairytale cottage. Im thankful for having the chance to play and be apart of it all.
Happy fun memories were made!
Hope you are well my friends! I look forward to catching up with you all in blogland real soon!
Happy Spring!!!