I always love this time of year.
Fall is still lingering...as well as the piles of leaves on my lawn.
The temperature is slowly cooling...which means warm cozy fires at night.
The holidays quickly approach...and that means quality time spent with family and friends.
My children are out of school for Thanksgiving break. It's nice having them home and getting a mini break from school responsibilities.
We plan on spending our Thanksgiving holiday at my In-laws house along with my Mom, Step-Dad, and little brother.
I can already taste the turkey and the trimmings! YUMMERS!!!
Im also planning on taking the kids to see the new Muppet movie over this holiday weekend.
As a little girl I grew up watching the Muppet Show back in the 70's.
I can honestly say I think Im way more excited to see the movie than my children.
I always giggled the most over the Swedish Chef and Beaker.
Bork, bork, bork! tee! hee!
These guys rock!
Do you have special plans for the Thanksgiving Holidays?
Going out of town? Hosting Thanksgiving at your home?
Please share!
T is for the trust the pilgrims had so many years ago
H is for harvest the settlers learnt to grow
A is for America, the land in which we live
N is for nature and beauty which she gives
K is for kindness, gentle words, thoughtful deeds
S is for smiles, the sunshine everyone needs
G is for gratitude...our blessing big and small
I is for ideas, letting wisdom grow tall
V is for voices, singing, laughing, always caring
I is for Indians, who taught them about sharing
N is for neighbors, across the street, over the sea
G is for giving of myself to make a better me
~Judith A. Lindberg
My little Indians and I would like to wish you and your loved one's a blessed and
Happy Thanksgiving!