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September 28, 2010


scrappy jessi

hey sweet sissy!!
love your project.
you girls will have a ball

Lisa Kettell

Can this get anymore amazing! xoxo

Jennifer Hayslip

Come play with us Miss Lisa! ;) XO

Sadie Lou

You are perfect for this event Jenn! Sounds like so much fun...over the top fun!


Jenn thanks so much for the kind word, and such inspiring post! I can't wait!! xox Cassandra

Ginny at Twinkle Pink

Ooooooh now you know i would have loved this one !!!!

I have cousins over there and it would be warm ... tempting oh so tempting :-)))

Lovely to see the lady herself in the middle of your flickr square - she so looks at home with those other pics.

best wishes Ginny x


I so would love to be there!! Sigh!!!


Jennifer Hayslip

Ginny!!! Come!!! Make is a fun trip and visit your family as well. Can I twist your arm. tee! hee! I still LOVE and admire my M.S. collage you made it.
Shes one of my favorite pieces!!!! XOXO


E' bellissimo! Cecilia


What a cute post and blog!

I love it!

Nice to meet you!

xoxo from so far away

Rebecca Henry

I just checked out the site and this looks like SO much fun! I'm trying to talk my husband into a cruise that happens to be over that week, but if it doesn't pan out...I would LOVE to be a part of this!

business legal advice

your are so creative ilove your all posting so sweet and lovely!.

Rebecca Henry

Thank you so much for stopping by. I love doing the vintage wreaths. I'm just praying, literally, that it makes it to her in one piece!

Have a lovely day~

Amazing Shopping

LOvely!!!!!I love ur project very much ...very impressive and innovative too...You are a perfect pinky !!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diKj68Rb_xk Me surely gonna enjoy this warm sunny weather, yummy decadent macaroons, create beautiful and fanciful projects with u ...


I LOVE everything about your site. Amazingly beautiful.
If you ever have the chance please check out my blog-tickledpinkwithrosesandpearls.com
You are awesome!

Jennifer Hayslip

Hi Michele! I tried to leave you a comment on your blog but it said restricted to team members. :( You might want to check your settings. Anyhoo, love the baby shower cake you made too too cute! Thanks for your lovely comment! XO,Jenn


Im so thrilled that two of my pictures made it on your collage picture in this post....
Your always inspiring me im so happy some of my work inspired you!

Jennifer Hayslip

Sandy, your photos are SOO inspiring!!! Love your style!!! :) XOXO,Jenn

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